The first Expedition Jacques Cousteau led was to the
Red Sea. Whilst in the Red Sea, he collected a number of examples of underwater flora/fauna, and studied them extensively. This expedition also provided an opportunity for Cousteau to develop underwater photography methods, specifically,
he managed the absorption of color and light by the water, and developed filters, optical systems, and lights to counter act the adverse effects of water on his photography. He was among the first to take color footage of the undersea creatures, from a depth of 150 feet. In later expeditions he was able to take footage from up to 8,000 meters.
He also conducted a number of Atlantic expeditions,
where, aside from the aforementioned tasks and a large variety of research, he was also
the first man to use a submarine in the Atlantic waters, and furthermore the first to use any sort of diving equipment to investigate the undersea world. He was able to get momentous amounts of footage and data
from his thirty plus expeditions to all parts of the vast sea.